Postgraduate/ECR Funding
Please see below the variety of funding opportunities the GHS offers for Postgraduates and ECRs including:
- Postgraduate/ECR Bursaries
- Small Grants
- GHS Conference Attendance
- Research Grants and External Conference Attendance
- Conference/Workshop Organisation
- Language Courses
Postgraduate/ECR Bursaries
The German History Society offers four Postgraduate/ECR Bursaries annually, each of £2500. These may be used to fund language courses, archive study trips, fees or general maintenance and are offered in addition to the small grants for travel and workshops / conferences that are also dispensed by the Society.
The bursaries are open to any student currently registered for a higher degree at a university in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, and to those who have completed a PhD within five years of the deadline for application.
Applicants must also be members of the German History Society.
Applicants should submit the application form to the Postgraduate Officer. On the form you will need to give the following:
- Outline of your Postdoc/PhD/MA research project (max. 400 words). This should include an explanation of your research project as a whole. Please include discussion of why your project represents an important and original contribution to scholarship on German history.
- Statement of the progress made thus far (max. 300 words).
- Brief schedule of work for the coming 12 months (max. 200 words).
- Statement of how you would use the scholarship and why this particular research activity is necessary to your project (max. 400 words).
- Statement of other sources of funding applied for and/or received.
- Budget (please include a detailed breakdown of proposed spending).
Applicants should also ask their supervisors to submit a reference directly to the Postgraduate Officer. The reference should confirm the details of the application and make the case for support in the usual manner.
Please note that all applications and accompanying references must be submitted in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.
The closing date for receipt of complete applications, including references, is 15 April 2025. Applications should be consolidated into a single document.
Applications will be considered by a panel drawn from the Committee of the Society; the Society expects to be able to notify applicants approximately six weeks after the closing date.
In making their decision the panel will consider applications in the round and will take into account the academic quality of the proposal; the progress that the applicant has made thus far; the availability to the applicant of alternative sources of funding; and the likelihood that the Society’s money will make a tangible difference to the likely success of the project concerned.
For ease, please fill out the application form below and submit it to our Postgraduate Officer Dr Edmund Wareham Wanitzek at this email address.
Small Grants
These grants of up to £1500 depending on the purpose are open to all postgraduate members of the German History Society currently registered for a higher degree at a university in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, and to those who have completed a PhD within five years of the deadline for application. Small grants are available for research or conference travel, or conference organisation.
Please note that awards for funding are made in a formal competition held three times each year. The deadlines for submission are 1 January, 15 April, and 15 August. Each application should include an application form fully completed and a reference; incomplete applications will not be considered. (Please note that all applications and accompanying references must be submitted in either Microsoft Word or pdf format).
Please send all applications to our Postgraduate Officer Dr Edmund Wareham Wanitzek at this email address.
All decisions on funding will be by a panel within approximately six weeks of the deadline.
All requests for reimbursement must be made within six months after the expense was incurred. Whenever possible, payments from the Society should be made by electronic transfer into a UK bank account. Alternative arrangements can be made for recipients who are residents of the Republic of Ireland.
Funding requests can be for any of the following purposes:
GHS-DAAD grants for German language courses in Germany
The German History Society and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are pleased to offer grants for students registered in the UK and Ireland for a postgraduate degree, or who have a confirmed offer of a place on a postgraduate degree programme. These grants will enable students to attend summer language courses in Germany and are jointly funded by the GHS and DAAD. They offer students the opportunity to enhance their German language skills according to their academic profile and research needs.
Successful applicants are able to choose an appropriate German language course and level of tuition from the broad range of summer courses offered by German universities.
Please note that successful applicants have to apply for the summer courses separately, and places are subject to availability.
Up to four awards valued at €850 are available each year. The awards are intended to contribute to travel expenses, accommodation, and course fees for a three-to-four-week German language course at a German university.
Please check the individual course outline for tuition details and extra-curricular activities.
If, following the awarding of a grant, the applicant is unable to pursue the language course applied for, the GHS requires that the grant be reimbursed to the Society in full.
The grant is open to postgraduate students of History who are currently enrolled at a UK or Irish university or prospective postgraduate students already accepted at a UK or Irish university. All applicants must also be members of the GHS.
To Apply
Application materials, as indicated on the form below, must be submitted by the 15 April 2025. All materials should be sent by email to the Society’s Postgraduate Officer, Dr Edmund Wareham Wanitzek, marked ‘GHS Language Courses’ in the subject box. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN