About the German History Society

The GHS promotes learning in the history of Germany and the German-speaking world through events, publications, awarding grants for study and research, and fostering a network of academics, students and other individuals and organisations interested in the discipline.

Members of the GHS can access various benefits, including automatic subscription to the Society’s journal, eligibility to apply for bursaries and grants, and free attendance at the Society’s annual conference and various other events.

The Society’s journal, German History, includes research papers, reviews, and other information relevant to the field.

The Society’s annual conference and other events provide a platform for leading speakers in German history to showcase their work and educate attendees. These events also facilitate networking between those working, studying or interested in the discipline.

The GHS also awards various prizes for outstanding work in the field of German history, including a postgraduate essay prize and undergraduate dissertation prize, which are open to students at UK and Irish universities, and a prize for the best article published each year in German History journal.

Membership of the Society is open to any person who is studying, teaching or researching German history, who supports the aims of the Society, or is simply interested in the topic.

Our History

The German History Society was founded by Geoff Eley on 23 November 1979 at the Institute of Historical Research in London. Professor Tony Nicholls acted as the first chairman, followed during the first decade by Professors Bill Carr, Volker Berghahn and Ian Kershaw, and as secretaries David Blackbourn, Anthony Glees, Jeremy Noakes, Richard Bessel and Michael John. The GHS received close cooperation and support from Wolfgang J. Mommsen, the director of the German Historical Institute, from 1977-1985.

The Committee

Mark HewitsonMark Hewitson
Mark Hewitson is Professor of German History and Politics at the School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS), University...
Marina Pérez de ArcosMarina Pérez de Arcos
Marina Perez de Arcos (DPhil Oxon) is a specialist in 20th-century European history and international history. She has taught International...
Christopher DillonChristopher Dillon
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Christopher Dillon is a Senior Lecturer in Modern German History at King’s College London. His research focuses on...
Stephan BruhnStephan Bruhn
GHI Representative
Stephan Bruhn joined the GHIL in May 2019. He studied History and Philosophy at the University of Münster (BA) and...

Our Constitution

Read the GHS constitution


  1. The Society shall be known as the German History Society.
  2. The aims of the Society shall be to further contacts between those engaged in the study of German history; to facilitate international contacts and exchange of information of common interest to members; and to stimulate interest in the study of German history.
  3. Membership of the Society shall be open to those engaged in teaching and research in the field of German history, broadly defined. Membership shall also be open to other persons or institutions, as agreed by the Committee and confirmed by an Annual General Meeting of the members. Institutional subscriptions to German History do not constitute membership of the Society for members of those institutions.
  4. Membership shall be subject to payment of an annual subscription. A member shall be deemed to have resigned his or her membership if his or her subscription is more than two years overdue, but may be eligible for readmission.
  5. The Society shall have a Committee consisting of a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, the Editors of German History, the Editors of the German History Society book series, and three additional Committee Members. With the exception of the editors of German History and of the German History book series, who shall serve ex officio, Committee members shall be elected by the AGM for terms not exceeding three years and shall not be eligible for re-election until a further year has elapsed. This restriction shall not apply to Committee members who are elected as officers of the Society. The terms of office of the Secretary and Treasurer shall not normally be coterminous. In such a circumstance, one of them may be elected for a fourth and final year. If more than one nomination has been received for each committee vacancy, the Secretary shall prepare ballot papers for secret elections to the vacant Committee posts and shall act as Returning Officer for the elections to be held at the AGM. Each member returning a ballot paper at the AGM shall have as many votes as there are vacancies.The Journal, German History, shall have two Editors, a Review Editor, and an Editorial Board. The Editors of the Journal shall be appointed for an initial term not exceeding six years. This appointment may be renewed at the discretion of the Committee and subject to the confirmation of the AGM. In the event of a vacancy arising from the expiry of the term of office or earlier resignation of an Editor, the chairperson of the Society will propose candidates for a new appointment to the committee. These candidates shall be considered by the Committee, and the Committee’s recommendation shall be subject to confirmation by the AGM. It shall be within the discretion of the Editors to appoint a Review Editor and an Editorial Board, to be announced to the Membership at the AGM.
  6. The Committee shall meet at least twice each year and shall have the power to co-opt up to three members where circumstances require it.
  7. There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the membership, which shall elect the Committee, and shall have the power to determine the level of subscription. The quorum for the AGM shall be twenty members or one-fifth of the membership, whichever is the lesser. Voting in the AGM shall be simple majority, except as indicated in Article 9.
  8. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society may be convened by the Committee and must be convened on the written request of no fewer than twenty members of the Society.
  9. This constitution shall only be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting.

Constitution of the German History Society, as revised at the AGM, 2 December 2000

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